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    About US


    Company Overview

          Hainan Poly Pharm Co. Ltd. is a leading pharmaceutical company in China,dedicated to providing therapeutic-value products and services to patients and customers around the world, which mainly involves in the activities of R&D, manufacturing and marketing.
           Founded in 1992, Poly has built up an excellent product portfolio with producing both Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and finished products, and gained great reputation for its high-quality products. Poly initiated its international registration program in 2005. Since 2012, Poly has received inspections from authorities including US FDA, EU EMA, NMPA and WHO with positive outcoming, which has provided sound evidence of Poly's GMP compliance in practice and its efforts in quality control.

          With the approval of products for marketing by EU EMA and US FDA, and distribution of its products to EU markets, Poly has already marched into the global market. In 2017, Poly Pharm successfully completed Initial Public Offering (IPO) and listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange ( 300630.SZ)

    • 30


      Exporting countries and regions

    • 157


      Production permits for preparations to overseas markets

    • 97


      Innovation and invention patent


    POLY Pharm Group

    • Hainan Poly Pharm (Manufacture)

    • Zhejiang Poly Pharm (Manufacture)

    • Anhui Poly Pharm (Manufacture)

    • Zhejiang Roly Pharm (Marketing&Sales)

    Our Core Values

    • Faith

      Good Medicine. Healthy People

    • Mission

      Provide high-quality to the customers and patients all around the world

    • Core Values

      Honesty, Efficiency, Innovation, Professionalism

    • Vision

      To become a leading supplier of the products for specific indications

    Our Strategy

    • Globalization

      Global generic drugs, global 505 (b) (2) drugs, global innovative drugs, global traditional Chinese medicine

    • Vertical industrial chain

      Quality assurance, patent challenge, innovative drugs and CDMO, first generics, technical breakthrough, cost advantage

    • BD positioning

      Global manufacturing/global sales, global interests, wholly-owned registration, global industrialization regulatory capacity, global industrialization capacity

    • Big data management

      Discovery of knowledge, establishment of models/patterns/templates, data analysis (experience), data model (rational) decision-making
